Monday, 3 October 2011

Week 3

Fabric Research - The chances of finding what you're looking for is a lot easier if you are able to narrow down the types of fabrics you're looking for.

Fabric Forum: An exhibition held in South Molton Lane. This was a really good show. It was small enough to get round quite quickly, but big enough to offer a various selection. The size and location I think dictated the type of fabrics represented. High end and quality. A sign of the economy meant minimum orders were 1m per facbric.

I normally buy all my fabrics from the Italian agent, which happens bianually at LCF. The choice is amazing ranging from wools, jersey's suitings and the prices are really reasonable for the quality. Hense I am going to wait for this date before I decide.

Business cards - I have had the same business cards for so long that I realise it is really me; my hand writing minimal. I am going to possibly change the format on the back, possibly a second colour. As much as I love the monochrome, I may introduce a red.

Madrid Trip - A surprise trip to madrid came up this weekend.
Perfect weather. I managed to visit 3 exhibitions.
Cornelis Zitman. The sculptures were so amazing, cast in bronze. The definition of all the female contours were amazing. There was a piece which could have been the embryo for my dome dress. The 2nd was Yves Saint Laurent 'Guia de Visitantes' and the third was the  'Human Bodies' Exhibition.

Cornelis Zitman

Cornelis Zitman

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